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  • How does our Finishing Gel support hair growth?
    Our hero ingredient is Coconut Water Not just for the smell… Coconut water contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which provides the hair with hydration. Many of these nutrients are similarly found in coconut oil, however coconut water will not leave a greasy residue or weigh down even the finest of hair. One of the main factors that contribute to frizzy hair is dryness. Coconut water helps the hair stay moisturized and manageable. Dry hair can be brittle and more prone to breakage causing your hair to appear thinner. Coconut water can provide moisture to the hair, improving elasticity and helping to prevent breakage. FINISHING GEL can help promote new growth by eliminating the need to use bobby pins or heat to style (which would cause even more damage) Use it on your hairline, part, nape area and eyebrows for Control & Condition
  • Does Finishing Gel leave a residue?
    No, the Finishing Gel is completely brush out. If you overapply or continually re-apply without brushing out first then you may get a product build up but it brushes out easily and is completely water-soluble, so the product will not leave a residue on the hair.
  • Does Finishing Gel leave your hair crunchy?
    No, your hair stays pliable, however if you let it dry and continue to play with it, it will begin to lose hold as it is a brush out formula.
  • Does Finishing Gel stay wet?
    No, if you apply too much and it appears wet, just allow a few minutes for it to dry and apply lightly on the following use.
  • Is Finishing Gel safe to use on kids?
    Yes, Finishing Gel is safe to use on children. It is an easy and effective way to control fine baby hairs around the hairline. Perfect for school and dancing hair dos.
  • Can I use Finishing Gel on my eyebrows?
    Yes, absolutely, Finishing Gel works great as an eyebrow gel.
  • Why do my flyaways come back after exercising?
    The Finishing Gel formula is designed to be water-soluble, which means when there is moisture present it starts to break down. This is so the product doesn't build up or leave a residue. Finishing Gel comes in a convenient hand bag size tube if you wish to re-apply after your sweat session or throughout the day.
  • Sometimes I comb it through my hair and towards my ponytail becomes messy with the strands that I've pulled back, how do I stop this from happening?"
    You could run the Finshing Gel through your hairline to smooth your edges before you brush and tie your hair back into a ponyail, that way you would get a really smooth neat result.
  • My hair is extremely frizzy/curly around my face, will Finishing Gel hold it down?"
    If your hair is super curly or frizzy you can expect less frizz and more polished looking curl definition. It will offer curl control for unruly curls and neater edges. Finishing Gel is great for edge control however please keep in mind it will not straighten or smooth out ringlets. For long lasting hold we suggest prepping your hair before taming your flyaways.
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